
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I see it now

We hosted our 1880's extravaganza event this weekend. For those who don't know, it was an all-girl weekend where the ladies got to get a taste of the 'old days.' They herded cattle from the big pasture to the corral pens, roped, branded, and spent a cold night under the full moon. The camp cookies (Uncle Bill, Bobo, Linda, and myself) cooked dutch oven biscuits and gravy along with the very popular cowboy coffee in the old blue coffee pot.
I guess it takes seeing the ranch through another's eyes to give me a fresh take on our outfit.
For one thing, I have a way of doing things. I didn't really know I did, but I do. I kind of always criticized my grandpa for wanting our roundups to be done THIS way, HIS way. He always seemed to assume that if you were out there helping, you should naturally have his instincts and skills and mannerisms for handling cattle. Never mind you were 12 and mostly were interested in NOT getting kicked in the juevos by that wild eyed Charolais calf with his tongue hanging out.
But, you learn.
I had to remind myself that many of our guests were just out here trying to get to do what I sometimes consider a chore. They saw it as a privilege.
Guess what... They are right.
Good job cowgirls.


Anonymous said...

Watterson Ranch IS THE BEST for letting us live out our dreams. Thank you Scott, Trina and family. These are memories made to be retold time and again, even in our delirium of the rockin' chair days ahead.

Anonymous said...

Scott & Trina,

Joanie & I can't emphasize enough how much we feel very fortunate and appreciative of you letting us come to the Watterson Ranch with our horses and enjoy the riding, the atmosphere, the people, and the great outdoors without the crowded world and termoil that surrounds us from day to day. We have a great time.

James Boswell

Anonymous said...

Great BLOG, honey. When you say it from the heart, it is music to my ears. Love your perspective.... and the song.

Love you,
TB (the wife)