
Saturday, August 11, 2007

You find out who your friends are

That Tracy Lawrence song stuck with me all week. "You find out who your friends are, somebody's gonna drop everything/ hit the gas, get there fast/ never stop to think whats in it for me...
This week I saw several examples in the news about selfish or greedy folks.
The guy who caught the Barry Bonds homerun baseball. The mad struggle that ensued and how the mob fought each other for a chance to kick him while he was down and steal his ball away. There was a woman who ended up with that guy's flip flop, and said, "well.. maybe it's worth somethin." Or the cowards who held up the manager of Brookshire Bros. this week. Aren't these pictures of our 'what's in it for me' world?
Well, not always. We were baling hay this week when the guys we hired couldn't/wouldn't show up. Trina got on the horn and within an hour 5 guys were here ready to help us get our hay in. Now I know they had better things to do than wrestle 65 pound square bales on a 100 degree day, but there they were.
I hope I can live up to the example these have shown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe these guys only were showing you how much you mean to them. Men often have a hard time showing emotion or feelings especially around their their fellow "peers", so I truly believe this was a way of giving back what you have done for them. Just a way of "paying it forward"-you and your wife are such great people and do so much for everyone-it is time someone showed it in return.
By the way, they didn't do anything that you and trina won't have done for them in a heart beat!
I loved your blog and think it is an awesome way to tell your story since you and trina have some great ones! Thanks for sharing your life with us-it is a true blessing!