
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lee Jarosek

Lee Jarosek
Lee was a unique guy. He literally 'grabbed life by the horns'

If there was a task in front of him to do, he'd jump off in it

with his boots on, right or wrong. There is something to

be said for that. He was as loud as I am quiet. We just had

different styles. I like to consider things a little bit before

taking the leap, but Lee didn't care who said what when he

was ready to roll.

I wasn't in Lee's inner circle, but he did invite me to go

deep sea fishing with him several years back. That was

something certainly out of my comfort zone, but I went

and ended up with the biggest Kingfish on the trip. Lee

always made an effort to include you. He always called me

'big boy,' but that was just his way of calling it like he saw


There was only one Lee. He was one of a kind. He loved

the cattle business, he loved Gracie and he loved Thres.

One time we were at Lee's and he had to call the customer

service to order a pay per view movie. That operator didn't

know what hit her, because Lee asked her if she could use

a few 'bebecaves.' I don't think he made that sale, but its a

call that operator wouldn't soon forget.

Lee Jarosek was the eternal optimist. That next big deal

was just over the horizon. He was constantly struggling to

reach that end. Well my friend, now you can rest. You

have reached the Big Deal.

I heard a preacher tell Thres that his daddy couldn't come

see him now, but that Thres could someday go to see his

Daddy in heaven.
I hope there is some comfort in that.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 says

Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those

who have fallen asleep, or grieve like the rest of men, who

have no hope.

We can cry and grieve. But those of us who believe have

hope and faith that we will see Lee again one day.

This is a song that Stevie Ray did that says it all. Listen

what he says before the song.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


We kind of backed into the hay business this year. I just wanted to avoid the $8 dollar hay from last year, so we got one of our neighbors to bale some square bales for us, maybe 400 or so.
Well, 1350+ bales later, I was faced with WHAT TO DO with a endless line of hay bales strethching over the horizon. Thanks, Craigslist! After all our nearby neighbors got their hay, then the Others came, wanting 10, 15, 25, and occasionally the 100 bales. It's been interesting to meet all the customers who want our commodity for anything from horses, cattle, goats, and mulch. I feel like a salesman as I go through the spiel of when it was baled, how much does a bale weigh, and was it weed sprayed, and how much fertilizer. All I need is the checkered jacket. And, when are you getting the next cutting. Watterson Ranch Forage Division........open for business. Thank you to all of our friends, neighbors and customers. Someone said you will be ahead of 90% of your competition if you show up on time, charge a fair price and do a good job. We try to do that every day.