
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Seems like alot of people dread this one. I guess it's just another day to me, although I don't feel like a forty year old should. In my mind I should be about 23, maybe. I really don't want to go back to 23. In my forty years I have seen the arrival of 8 tracks, then cassettes, then cd's, and now digital music that you could squeeze all your music collection into a device the size of a
credit card. The arrival of the microwave, the home computer, and the internet are all marvels that in 1970 were mere glimmers of things to come. I do the work I was born to do. Not many people can say that. I learn something new every day, or at least I try to. I am truly blessed to live and keep the tradition of 6 generations alive. In my years I have made and lost many friends. I treasure each of you.
My best friend is my wife Trina. We will celebrate 15 years this year. We've been through some great times, some tough times and all the time goes faster each year. I don't know exactly how, but I love her more each day. Today I can't see how I can love any more, but tomorrow I will. The same with our children. How can you love two more than the first one, or with the third?
I don't know, but you do.Your capacity for love expands I guess. Gives you insight of God's love for His children. I hope I can be the husband and father they deserve for 40 more.

I though this was appropraite today.. (Also a great U2 song) Psalms 40:1-2.
I waited patiently for the LORD;
and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
He brought me up also out of a horrible pit,
out of the miry clay,
and set my feet upon a rock,
and established my goings.
God bless! Scott.

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