
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

oh boy!

We are a living Bible verse.

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

Any dad who never says he'd like a son is fooling himself.

One of my heart's desires was to have a son.

Now that I will, I shall not want for a son.

I was always a little jealous of my bro getting 2 boys!

(sorry Tim!) I love my daughters and would have been

geniunely happy with another girl, but there was that

secret desire to have a boy of my own. There's that whole

'carrying on the family name' bit, but its more elemental.

I'm still processing it all.

When you think of the valley of the shadow of death we

literally went through last year, it's amazing to see not

only we made it to the other side, but the sun is shining

brightly, and we really have no want.

Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

You better believe it.


Trina said...

I really DO get it, Honey.

You're a wonderful Father to our 2 precious girls and you're going to be a wonderful Father to this bouncing baby BOY.

I love you.


Ross said...

I'm very excited for you and your family and can relate 100%. There was always that little gut feeling down deep.