
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

ice from sky

An unusual thing happened last friday here on the ranch.
A frozen ice missile plummeted to the ground and embedded itself about 6 inches in the ground. I descibed it as pumpkin-sized and would have certainly been the end of anyone unlucky enough to be under it.
The thories abounded. Was it a meteor? Was it a large piece of hail?
Did it come off a plane? Or was it a tragic Slurpee malfunction? We may never know.
We're just glad we could laugh about it and not cry about this thing really ruining somebody's day.


Anonymous said...

Here's you a theory: the UFO, after leaving the Stephenville area, made a stopover at your ranch to hatch open all it's frozen embryo's -- which popped out in the form of all the redneck reporters on the scene, claiming to be witnesses to the event -- which is really nothing more than a ruse to cover up the fact that it all originated from the UFO sighting in Stephenville. You know those martians... they'll do nearly anything to deflect attention. And that's the truth.. the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me Darth Vader.

Anonymous said...

good theory, Einstein.