
Sunday, September 16, 2007

the lazo

When we arrived at the church where the wedding
rehearsal was, police were in the driveway and had put up
the yellow warning tape that said 'do not cross'. The
rehearsal had to be in another location, and all weekend I
thought about the tragedy that ended a young man's life.
This wedding had some traditions that I had not
experienced before. The bride's brother explained the
arras, or coins, were given to the groom as a symbol of the
parent's trust in the groom. The groom then places the
coins in the brides hands, signifying his trust to her all his
worldly possessions.
The tradition that resonated deeper was the lazo. It was
a 'lasso' of a ornately beaded crucifix that was placed
around the kneeling couple's necks. It symbolized the
bond of matrimony that tied them together as one.
Here I was in this beautiful church, rich in tradition. A
place of hope and happiness for two who had come here
together with all their friends and family.
What a paradox, just the night before this holy place had
been the scene where a lost soul had found no hope or
faith, ended his life here.
The lazo of life. broken for one, forever binding two.
Muchas felizidades Brian and Neddie. May you have long
and happy lives with God and each other.

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