
Saturday, December 5, 2009

My last post in June seems like a lifetime ago. Facing a long cat 3 drought with no end in sight we were looking to God for some relief. I guess He took pity on our dry land because we got the rain and plenty of it. Now I'm looking at moving out of survival mode and into herd expansion.
Looks like 2010 will be a little kinder to those of us in agriculture who feed the U.S. and the world.
Cate started pre-K at Red Rock and Callie started 5th grade at Cedar Creek. She is playing flute in band at just got first chair. Also won the grand prize in the Bastrop Pecan Show for her candy. She's also active in 4H. Sam's vocabulary is increasing. If if can get him to stop saying 'Moo' when he sees a toy or real horse! He also got his first haircut this week. Trina's subbing some and of course we continue with our sortings on Saturdays.
We wish all our family and friends a very merry Christmas. May His light shine on you in the coming year.