
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas everyone, I am writing the ubiquitous Christmas letter, not to brag or anything, just to catch anybody up on the Miller family.

I keep a journal for the year, and it even suprises me the trials and joys we have been through this year.

In February I turned 38. A little older and a little wiser, I hope. I had a growth removed from my uvula (look it up, genius) which was quite the ordeal. Let's just say the old gag reflex works fine, thank you. We also found out we we were having a boy that month. I guess you could say I was happy about it. Samuel Watterson Miller had a name. That same month, the boys from the Brad Pitt movie "The Tree of Life" came out for a little horseback activity and 'team building.'

In March I attended a B-2 reunion in College station and saw a few of my Aggie Buddies. That month we also hosted Cowgirl Weekend for 2008. Despite some hellacious weather and kitchen nightmares, we survived and I hope all had a good time.We sold some of our older bulls and began the process of buying some new ones, including a cream Charolais and about 20 Brangus pairs from Gonzales.

Our Frio trip in May was a welcome relief before summer really kicked in. Although the old Frio was low, it was nice and cool.

In June, we had a small cutting of hay on the Eastland place, and it looked like we might not get any more. Of course, the Big Event of the year was Sam's birth on July 3. 9 lbs of beautiful baby boy. We are blessed. Callie went to Alto Frio camp in Leakey for almost a week. She had a great time.

In September I had my wisdom teeth out. Thanks, Dr. McBee.

October was the beginning of the downturn in the livestock market. Calves that had brought $1.05 a pound were now bringing 70 cents. The election looms. Who will it be?As it turns out, it wasn't even close. The pendulum swings back toward the left. So here we are, looking at 2009, another year of life and love out here in Watterson,. Tx.From all of us Callie, Cate, Sam, Scott and Trina, God bless and keep you all!Merry Christmas!