
Monday, September 29, 2008


Howdy everybody!
I know I've been remiss in the blog, but so it goes when there is a 2 month (almost 3) baby boy in the house.
So what's been going on here on the ranch?
Well, let's see...
I got 2 wisdom teeth removed by the wonderful Dr. Mcbee in Smithville.
I'm not being sarcastic (for once). I had a small cavity on the side on a wisdom tooth, so the best option was to take them out. The thought of that stressed me out, but the actual extraction was a breeze. The recovery was a bitch, though. I guess I am a big baby, but the following week I was a pill poppin' daddy. Norco was my friend.
During that time, our hopes for a little moisture were dashed as Ike moved from west to east to no chance we were getting any rain. I know the poor people of Galveston would have spared a few inches if they could have, but we saw nary a drop.
In the days prior to Ike's landfall, I, like many of my neighbors, furiously prepared the ground and planted winter grass in anticipation of the 'sure thing,' but all we got was a
little wind. Hopefully a little rain this fall will bring on the rye and oats I put out.