
Thursday, December 27, 2007

rewind 2008

Scott's best and worst of 2007
Not neccesarily in order

Ok, I'll start with the best.

Hearing the incredible, life-changing news that my wife not only has no signs of a brain tumor, or MS or scarring, but that there must have been a misdiagnosis. That's doctor-speak for the unexplainable hand of God. This is one verse that I clung to durng those dark days.

"Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler."-Psalm 91:3

I can remember reading that after Cate was delivered and found that the cord had been around her neck.
Thank the Lord for unwrapping that and lifting my daughter out of the snare, and now my wife too has been delivered from that snake, the fowler. The Evil one. To Hell With the Devil!

On a lighter note, the Miller clan will expand in 08. July is the estimated arrival at this point. If I hear "...Y'all know what causes that, right?" one more time... Weird to think, that when Callie is graduating high school, #3 will be in 2nd grade!

Frio River. It's cold, it's clear, it's beautiful. We love it.

The rains this year were a God send. We have had much abundant rain that replentished many dry stock tanks, creeks and rivers. Which also provided for a banner year for hay production.

Our ranch sortings became a weekly deal, and we had great response and participation with these.
We will be changing these to Sat night in '08.

I attended the TSCRA's School for Successful Ranching in Ft. Worth, learned some useful things.
(note to self, don't leave toolbox in back of truck in Ft. Worthless.)

Hwy 304 played several gigs this year, Relay for Life, Bastrop's 4th of July, and of course the sold out show at Cowgirl Weekend.

Trina got her SUV, a Suburban. (seats about 20.)

We got high speed internet this summer. How did we operate without it?

websites I like

Movies we enjoyed.
Bridge to Terrabithia
Reign Over Me
Evan Almighty
The Departed

Thanks to our family, friends and clients for all you love, support and prayers this year.
May the Lord bless you and yours in 2008.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Trina's story

To anyone who hasn't heard this amazing and true story, here ya go.
I can hardly believe this all happened this year. We serve an awesome God.
Take the time to read this and you'll be blessed.
