
Sunday, June 10, 2007

frio river

This week we took our annual pilgrimage to Frio River country.Actually near Leakey, Texas. In the years we had been before, this was the highest the water had ever been, which made for some fun and at times nervous kayaking and tubing. If you have never been to the Frio, you owe yourself to make it down there at least once. true to its name, the water is ice cold. But on a 95 degree day, that's not a bad thing. the water is crystal clear and you can see the fish swimming around. The giant cypress, pecan and oak trees shade its banks as you take all of God's creation in. My brother and his family, Trina's aunt and uncle and some other friends went with us, so we took turns cooking each night. Truly a great and relaxing time. Oh, and on the way home we went down hw 337 towards Bandera. Wow. Probably the steepest and most twisty road in Texas, and the views were awe inspiring. Anyway, we recommend it to all!